Pelada Football Academy offers playing opportunities for every skill level and our programming is based around a four season structure, allowing players to participate in multiple sports or activities and focus on soccer during the parts of the year that fit their schedules best. For those who love to play soccer all the time, we have opportunities for both training and competition all year round! Full program summaries by season are available below.
Birth Year / Age Group Program Reference
Our seasonal year runs from June through May. Age groups are based on birth year and players age up to the next a age group after the end of the spring season. Summer tournaments are the start of the new seasonal year and are played at the new age level.
Player's birth year | Age group | Grade | Game format | Core Competitive Seasons | Available programs |
2018/19/20 | U5-U7 | Pre-K/K/1st | 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 (Informal) | n/a | Foundations Academy Summer, Winter (indoor), Spring |
2017 | U8 | 1st/2nd | 4v4 or 7v7 | Fall + Spring Leagues (U8 participants on our fall/spring teams will be playing against older U9 & U10 players) | Foundations Academy U9-10 Fall & Spring Teams Summer Tournaments Futsal Academy Indoor Teams |
2016 | U9 | 2nd/3rd | 7v7 | Fall + Spring Leagues | U9-10 Fall & Spring Teams Summer Tournaments Futsal Academy Indoor Teams |
2015 | U10 | 3rd/4th | 7v7 | Fall + Spring Leagues | |
2014* | U11 | 4th/5th | 9v9 | Fall (League + Cup) Spring (League) | U11-15 Fall Teams U11-14 Spring Teams Summer Tournaments Futsal Academy Indoor Teams |
2013 | U12 | 5th/6th | 9v9 | Fall (League + Cup) Spring (League) |
2012** | U13 | 6th/7th | 11v11 | Fall (League + Cup) Spring (League) |
2011 | U14 | 7th/8th | 11v11 | Fall (League + Cup) Spring (League) |
2010*** | U15 | 8th/9th | 11v11 | Fall (League + Cup) Winter (League + Cup) | U11-15 Fall Teams U15+ Winter Teams Summer Tournaments |
2009 | U16 | 9th/10th | 11v11 | Winter (League + Cup) | U15+ Winter Teams Summer Tournaments |
2008 | U17 | 10th/11th | 11v11 | Winter (League + Cup) | |
2007 | U18 | 11th/12th | 11v11 | Winter (League + Cup) | |
2006 | U19 | 12th | 11v11 | Winter (League + Cup) | |
*At U11 players age up from the 7v7 U10 Valley Academy League format to the 9v9 game format used at the U11 and U12 age groups. **At U13 players transition from the 9v9 to the 11v11 game format. ***U15 players (born in 2008) can choose between fall league and cup and winter/spring league and cup programs. Players wanting to participate year round can do both. |
U5-U8: Help players acquire balance, coordination, physical awareness, and socialization skills along with a basic set of techniques and a love of soccer.
U9-U10: Build the foundations of soccer technique and team play while establishing good habits in the areas of learning, work ethic, deliberate practice, and group cooperation.
U11-U12: Intense focus on achieving technical proficiency across skill sets while introducing fundamental tactical themes and terminology.
U13-U14: Build game reading skills and tactical understanding while seeking an increased range of technical ability.
U15-U16: Cement tactical understanding and create team leaders while improving decision making and seeking consistency in execution of technique.
U17-U19: Cement a style of play that takes full advantage of individual skill sets while pursuing advanced tactical understanding, game reading ability, and competitive player impact.
2024 Summer Programs
Tailored to specific ages and elements of youth soccer development. Clinics are open to any player, PFA member or otherwise. They are one week long (Mon-Thu) with daily sessions ranging from 3-5 hours. Topics include goal scoring, goalkeeping, defending, attacking, and fall pre-season team training camp. Cost range: $150-$200 per camp.
Various tournaments in June/July/August for teams age U10-U20. This year we are focussing primarily on the Capital Cup (Salem, U8-U17) in June and the Mt. Hood Challenge (Portland, U8-U20) in August. Tournaments are single weekend events, usually Friday-Sunday, typically including four games. Teams train for three weeks leading up to the tournament weekend. Training only options are available for players who are unable to participate in the games. Cost: $175 per tournament.
Capital Cup Dates: June June 21-23 (U13-U17) / June 28-30 (U8-U12)
Mt Hood Challenge Dates: August 2-4 (U8-19)
Match Format: Four game gaurantee for most events
Training Format: Train 2-3 times per week for three weeks leading up to each tournament
Cost: $175 per tournament
For U5-U8 players (2016-2019 birth years), the Foundations U8 Academy offers skill building for players age 4-7. The emphasis is on teaching fundamentals of movement, coordination, and technique through fun and engaging exercises and small-sided games. Training is held once a week in a small group setting led by a PFA staff coach and members of our youth Coach Development Academy. Sessions combine scrimmages in a 2v2 or 3v3 format with a combination of fun, competitive training games and one-on-one instruction to teach physical coordination, technical fundamentals, and basic decision making. Runs for six weeks from early July through late August.
Dates: Jul 9 - Aug 13 (exact days TBD)
Times: Tuesdays, 5-6pm
Location: Marist Catholic High School grass fields
Training: One 60 minute session per week
Cost: $75
2024 Fall Programs
U11-U15 TEAMS (2014-2010 BIRTH YEARS)
For U11-U15 players, typically entering or enrolled in grades 4-8. The curriculum is designed to produce technically proficient, intelligent, well-rounded players with a good understanding of the game. Training is weighted toward technical development at the lower age groups, and shifts toward an increased tactical emphasis as players approach and enter high school. Teams will compete in OYSA's Central Valley Regional Leagues in September and October and participate in either the Presidents or Founders Cup tournaments in early-mid November.
Competition: OYSA Regional Leagues + Post-Season Cup
Match Formats: 9 v 9 (U11-U12) / 11 v 11 (U13-U15)
Dates: Aug 26 - Nov 17
Training Sessions per week: 2-3
Training Location: Les Schwab Sport Park (Willamalane)
Cost: $575 (register by 6/30) / $625 (register after 6/30)
U9-U10 TEAMS (2017-2015 BIRTH YEARS)
For U9-U10 players, typically entering or enrolled in grades 2-4. A high coach-to-player ratio ensures that every player gets personal attention and the curriculum is designed to teach the fundamentals of the game through fun, engaging field exercises and small-sided competition. Teams will compete in the Valley Academy U10 Developmental League with four play dates in Eugene, Corvallis/Albany, Salem, and Bend (two games on each day) for a total of eight games in September and October.
Competition: Valley Academy League
Match Formats: 7 v 7 (U9-U10)
Dates: Aug 26 - Nov 3
Training Sessions per week: 2
Training Location: TBD
Cost: $350 (register by 6/30) / $375 (register after 6/30)
2024-25 Winter Programs
U15+ TEAMS (2010-2006 BIRTH YEARS)
For U15-U19 players, typically entering or enrolled in grades 8-12. League and cup play take place in the winter and spring to avoid overlap with fall high school programs. The curriculum is designed to increase players' tactical knowledge, improve their competitive qualities, and prepare them for the rigors of their high school programs as well as soccer beyond high school. Teams will compete in OYSA's Leagues (Jan-Apr) and play in either the State, Presidents, or Founders Cup spring tournament (Apr-May).
Competition: OYSA Leagues + Post-Season Cup
Match Formats: 11 v 11 (U15-U19)
Dates: Dec 2 - May 10
Training Sessions per week: 2-3
Primary Training Locations: Les Schwab Sport Park (Willamalane) & Marist HS. Other locations may occasionally be used.
Cost: $875 (register by 11/3) / $950 (register after 11/3)
For U8-U14 players. Runs from the first week of December through mid February. Players train 1-2 times per week with PFA staff coaches and typically play 4-6 games in our all-Pelada house futsal league. Sessions are indoor, usually at Willamalane’s Bob Keefer Center (adjacent to Les Schwab Sports Park). The season may include 1-2 weekend game days in addition to the weeknight schedule.
Dates: Dec 2 - Feb 16 (no training during winter break, 12/21-1/5)
Primary Location: Bob Keefer Center (other locations may be used as needed)
Sessions: 1-2 sessions/games per week, 60 minutes each
Times: Evenings between 4:30pm and 8:45pm
Cost: $200 (Register before 11/3) / $225 (Register after 11/3)
For 2nd-8th grade players (U8-U14). Teams are usually based around our fall squads, but we can also accept new players. Indoor teams play in Kick City Sports Park's Winter Youth Session (Dec-Feb) indoor league. Visit the League Info page on Kick City's website and scroll down to the Youth Leagues sections for additional details regarding season dates and game days for each age groups.
U9-10 teams typically play in the 9 & Under divisions
U11-12 teams typically play in the 11 & Under divisions
U13-14 teams typically play in the 13 & Under divisions
NOTE: this includes games only. Players wanting a training option should consider the Futsal Skills Training program.
League Format: Eight game season; games on weeknights and/or weekends
Game Format: 7 v 7 (9 & Under, 11 & Under) / 6 v 6 (13 & Under, 15 & Under)
League Dates: December 2 - February 9
Location: Kick City Sports Park
Girls Uniform: White shirts for "home team" games / Red shirts for "visitor" games (official kit not required)
Boys Uniform: White shirts for "home team" games / Blue shirts for "visitor" games (official kit not required)
Cost: $100 (Register before 10/29) / $110 (Register after 10/29)
For U5-U8 players (2017-2020 birth years), the Foundations U8 Academy offers skill building for players age 4-7. The emphasis is on teaching fundamentals of movement, coordination, and technique through fun and engaging exercises and small-sided games. Training is held once a week, led by PFA staff coaches and members of our youth Coach Development Academy. Sessions combine scrimmages in a 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4 format with fun, competitive training games and one-on-one instruction to teach physical coordination, technical fundamentals, and basic decision making. All sessions are held indoors on court or artificial turf surfaces.
Dates: Dec 2 - Feb 16. 8-10 sessions total. No activities during winter holidays (12/21-1/5)
Location: Kick City Sport Park
Training: One 45-60 minute session per week
Times: Fridays, 4:45-6:45 (exact session times TBD)
Cost: $125
2025 Spring Programs
U11-U14 TEAMS (2014-2011 BIRTH YEARS)
For U11-U14 players, typically enrolled in grades 4-8. The curriculum is designed to produce technically proficient, intelligent, well-rounded players with a good understanding of the game. Training is weighted toward technical development at the lower age groups, and shifts toward an increased tactical emphasis as players approach and enter high school. Teams train 2-3 times per week and compete in OYSA's Central Valley Regional League.
Competition: OYSA Central Valley Regional Spring League (no spring cups for these age groups)
Match Formats: 9 v 9 (U11-U12) / 11 v 11 (U13-U14)
Dates: Feb 17 - May 4
Training Sessions per week: 3
Training Locations: Les Schwab Sport Park (Willamalane), Maurie Jacobs Park, Marist HS
Cost: $450 (before 12/31) / $500 (after 12/31)
U9-U10 TEAMS (2017-2015 BIRTH YEARS)
For U9-U10 players, typically enrolled in grades 2-4. A high coach-to-player ratio ensures that every player gets personal attention and the curriculum is designed to teach the fundamentals of the game through fun, engaging field exercises and small-sided competition. Teams will compete in the Valley Academy Developmental League with four play dates in Eugene, Corvallis/Albany, Salem, and Bend (two games on each day) for a total of eight games between late March and early May.
Competition: Valley Academy League
Match Formats: 7 v 7 (U9-U10)
Dates: Mar 3 - May 3
Training Sessions per week: 2
Training Location: Les Schwab Sport Park (Willamalane), Maurie Jacobs Park, Marist HS
Cost: $350 (before 1/31) / $375 (after 1/31)
For U5-U8 players (2016-2019 birth years), the Foundations U8 Academy offers skill building for players age 4-7. The emphasis is on teaching fundamentals of movement, coordination, and technique through fun and engaging exercises and small-sided games. Training is held once a week in a small group setting led by a PFA staff coach and members of our youth Coach Development Academy. Sessions combine scrimmages in a 2v2 or 3v3 format with a combination of fun, competitive training games and one-on-one instruction to teach physical coordination, technical fundamentals, and basic decision making. Runs for six weeks from late April through early June.
Dates: Apr 28 - June 6 (Approximate dates)
Times: 5:00-6:00
Location: Marist HS Grass Fields (North end of campus)
Training: One 60 minute session per week
Cost: $75
Coach Development Academy

• Leadership, maturity, and accountability within team environments.
• Desire for and dedication to learning.
• Commitment to and love for the game.
• Caring and respect for coaches and peers.
The goal of the Coach Development Academy is to offer ongoing education and support for youth players who show interest in coaching, leadership, and mentoring. It delivers specific, age appropriate curriculum to help young coaches learn and progress. CDA participation comprises dedicated training sessions in which candidates are educated as coaches coupled with regular opportunities to work alongside senior coaching staff to train and mentor younger players in our U8 and U10 academy programs. There is no fee for participation.
To date, more than thirty youth coaches have graduated from our Coach Development Academy to join our paid coaching staff. Log in to your Sports Connect account to enroll your player.

Theme | Description | Dates | Time | Location | Attendance Requirements* |
SUMMER | |||||
CDA 22-23 Year End Recap + 23-24 Intro | Introduction to the 2023-24 Coach Development Academy welcoming new and returning Candidates | Tuesday, May 9, 2023 | 5:00-6:00pm | Marist HS Grass Fields | Miss only if unavoidable |
CDA Candidate + PFA STAFF TRAINING - Part 1 | Senior coaching staff training event - CDA candidates particapate as players while learning Academy curriculum & training methodologies | Tuesday, May 16, 2023 | 5:30-7:30pm | Marist HS Grass Fields | Miss only if unavoidable |
CDA Candidate + PFA STAFF TRAINING - Part 2 | Senior coaching staff training event - CDA candidates particapate as players while learning Academy curriculum & training methodologies | Tuesday, May 23, 2023 | 5:30-7:30pm | Marist HS Grass Fields | Miss only if unavoidable |
CDA Candidate Training - Foundations Academy COACHING PREP | CDA Candidates receive training in mentoring U5-U8 players in preparation for the summer Foundations Academy | Thursday, July 6, 2023 | 5:00-7:00pm | Marist HS Grass Fields | Miss only if unavoidable |
Summer PRACTICE COACHING - Foundations Academy | Assist with U8 academy sessions in July and August | Thursdays 7/13, 7/20, 7/27, 8/3, 8/10, & 8/17 | 5:00-6:00pm | Marist HS Grass Fields | Absences are allowed as needed to accommodate vacation plans, etc. |
FALL | |||||
CDA Candidate Training - U10 Academy Team COACHING PREP | CDA Candidates receive training in mentoring U8-U10 players in preparation for the fall Valley Academy League season | Thursday, August 17, 2023 | 5:00-7:30pm | Marist HS Grass Fields | Miss only if unavoidable |
FALL PRACTICE COACHING - PFA U10 Teams | Assist with U10 academy team trainings in September and October | Season dates: August 28 - Oct 29 Training dates: TBD (usually M/W) | 5:00-6:15pm &/or 6:15-7:30pm | TBD | Participate in a minimum of one U10 session per month. Games optional. |
WINTER | |||||
CDA Candidate Training - Futsal Academy COACHING PREP | CDA Candidates receive training in mentoring U8-U10 players in preparation for assisting with fall teams | Monday, November 27, 2023 | 5:00-6:30pm | Bob Keefer Center Courts | Miss only if unavoidable |
Winter PRACTICE COACHING - Futsal & Foundations Academy | Assist with Futsal Academy trainings in December, January, and February | Season dates: November 29 - February 14 | Wednesdays, 4:45-5:45 (Foundations Academy) | Bob Keefer Center | Participate in a minimum of one session per month. |
SPRING | |||||
CDA Candidate Training - U10 Academy Team COACHING PREP | CDA Candidates review winter coaching experiences and receive training in preparation for assisting with spring teams | Saturday, February 24, 2024 | 10:00am-12:00pm | Marist HS Turf Field | Miss only if unavoidable |
Spring PRACTICE COACHING - PFA U10 Teams | Assist with U10 academy team trainings in March and April | Season dates: February 27 - May 7 Training dates: TBD (usually M/W) | 5:00-6:15pm &/or 6:15-7:30pm | TBD | Participate in a minimum of two U10 sessions per month. Games optional. |
CDA Candidate + PFA STAFF TRAINING | Senior coaching staff training event - CDA candidates participate as players while learning Academy curriculum & training methodologies | Tuesday, May 21, 2024 | 6:00-8:00pm | Marist HS Grass Fields | Miss only if unavoidable |
Tuesday, May 28, 2024 | 6:00-8:00pm | Marist HS Grass Fields | Miss only if unavoidable | ||
Tuesday, June 4, 2024 | 6:00-8:00pm | Marist HS Grass Fields | Miss only if unavoidable | ||
*CDA Candidates are expected to do their best to attend as often as possible, but conflicting family plans and players' own team training sessions and games will take precedence over CDA responsibilities. Please communicate with instructors ahead of time whenever you are unable to attend. |